Oct 2016
We Know Talent...
07/10/16 11:12

The ability to make insightful decisions about people is today’s most enduring source of competitive advantage.
OBA focuses on helping clients achieve this advantage through the identification, assessment and recruitment of the world’s most talented business professionals.
Our network and experience is built up through bringing some of the worlds best performing companies together to solve each others challenges - (see OBA company exchanges)
This provides us with a strong overview of high performing companies and high performing individuals.
For more details click on the link below:
OBA Talent
Something looks a little different?
06/10/16 10:16

Well, over the last few weeks we have been busy working on the latest incarnation of {OBA} and we’re extremely happy with how things have changed. Lots has changed behind the scenes since we established ourselves a little over 10 years ago - our business goals changed too. It was important to us that those changes reflected how we represent ourselves online.
The new design is intended to be simpler, and more focussed on our three main activities - company exchanges, benchmarking and recruitment. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin to hear more.